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What is a Grace Group?

A Grace Group is a group of people who come together weekly or monthly to pray, study God's Word, serve others, and build healthy and long-lasting relationships. Grace Lutheran Brethren Church offers its members several groups with which to be a part. Some of these groups require commitment and focus from its members. Others are more informal and simply exist to bring Christians together. Whether the group meets weekly or monthly, Grace Groups focus on providing support to its members through prayer, education, and quality fellowship.


The specific goal of all Grace Groups is to equip participants with sound Bible teaching and a healthy understanding of sharing and living in faith. It is our aim that Grace Groups will provide members with an abundance of opportunities to grow in faith, friendship, and knowledge of the Lord, as well as to be a blessing to those outside the church through community service and intentional evangelization.

Why Join a Grace Group?

The Bible instructs Christians to mature in faith by spending time together. Hebrews 10:24-25 states, "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."


 As the Church began in Acts 1 and 2, we see Christ's apostles spending a lot of time together in prayer and fellowship. Because of the example they set, new believers continued seeking prayer and support from one another, as seen in Acts 2:42, "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers."


Paul also encourages believers to spend time together, growing and maturing in faith, for he saw the benefits of such camaraderie in his own life as displayed in his letter to the Romans, "For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you--that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine."


As we learn from Paul and the apostles, Christians were never meant to walk alone. Spending time once a week in personal fellowship with other Christians is beneficial in a number of ways. Praying together, eating together, studying the Word together is a key component of any Christian life.

Grace Groups

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Culture Shift
9:15 am Sundays
Grace LBC - Sanctuary

Join Pastor Keith and other qualified teachers as they discuss society’s most difficult topics. Whether you’re a parent, a grandparent, or just a friend of children, it is essential to have a game plan for the many hazards children face in today’s world.  

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Women's Bible Study
9:15 am Sundays
Grace LBC - Fellowship Hall

Join us for this Sunday school class designed for women, as we continue our exploration of the book of Hebrews from last year. Bring your Bible and a cup of coffee, and deepen your understanding of this important book.

5:00 pm Sundays (twice a month)
1126 W Ave B / 815 W Ave C

These fun-filled evenings are beneficial for both parents and children. First, everyone enjoys pizza and conversation. Afterward, the kids spend time together while the parents use the peace and quiet to learn about the Biblical model of marriage and parenting. For more info on the times and location, please see our calendar.

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3:00 pm Mondays
Various Locations

It is no secret that motherhood is tough, and chaotic, and stressful-- but oh so rewarding! Catch a break from the chaos of motherhood with a group of other moms searching for solace. Your kiddos will build lasting friendships, and so will you!  For more info on times and locations, please see our calendar.

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10:00 am Wednesdays
Grace LBC

An awesome time of fellowship with other vibrant seniors might be just what you need! It is never too late to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ, even while meeting new friends. There is also a competitive Farkle game each week and lots of community service activities and fun trips.

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Wednesday Bible Study
6:30 pm Wednesdays
Grace LBC

This Bible study for adults is a part of Family Night on Wednesdays. Come for a meal at 6:00 pm and then dive into the Bible at 6:30 with others. We are currently going through the study, Christianity Explored.

1 + One
10 am Thursdays/9 am Saturdays
5506 Calvert Dr./Cracker Barrel

The purpose of this Grace Group is to provide widows and single women with encouragement and support. Women will study the Bible, pray, and fellowship. This group will meet on the first Thursday of the month at a home and the third Saturday of the month for brunch at Cracker Barrel. See the calendar for specific times / locations.

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Hospitable Women
7:00 pm Thursdays (twice a month)
5506 Calvert Dr.

This year Hospitable Women will meet on a bi-weekly basis to study the Bible. Join a group of other women as they delve deeper into God’s word and spend time growing in their faith. We will be starting a study on the book of Philippians. 

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Gospel Cuisine
6:00 pm Saturdays (once a month)
Cracker Barrel

Spend time with other believers and enjoy a meal together. This group is a wonderful opportunity to invite your friends! This group is geared toward empty-nesters and parents of young adults. This Grace group meets one Saturday a month.

Gospel Cuisine
Hospitable Women
1+ One
Grace Groups form

Grace Groups

Please fill out this form to learn more about a Grace Group or to get involved with a Grace Group.

Please select any Grace Groups you would like to learn more about:

Thanks for filling out this form. A Grace Group leader will get in contact with you soon to tell you more about the Grace Group(s) you selected.

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